Terms of use

Thanks for joining Thank and Praise, the Aussie website where you can shout out a big "thanks!" These terms explain how things work here and what to expect from us.

The Ground Rules:

  1. Gotta be 13 or older to use Thank and Praise.

  2. Using the site means you agree to these terms. Not a fan? No worries, just don't use Thank and Praise.

Sharing the Thanks:

  1. You can create public posts thanking or praising individuals or groups.

  2. Be a legend -- keep it respectful and kind. No negativity, insults, or language that wouldn't make your grandma blush.

Privacy Matters:

  1. Don't share personal details about yourself or others without the okay. This includes phone numbers, addresses, and emails.

  2. Thank and Praise follows the guidelines set out in the Australian Privacy Act 1988, which means we take protecting your privacy seriously. You can find more details about how we handle your info in our Privacy Policy.

Our Part of the Bargain:

  1. We can remove content that breaks these terms or is just plain nasty.

  2. We're all about building a positive and supportive Aussie community.

  3. We can't guarantee everything people post is 100% true.

Changes and Updates:

  1. These terms might get tweaked from time to time. We'll let you know on the website if anything changes.

Got Questions?

Fire away! Contact us if you have any questions about these terms.

Thanks for being part of Thank and Praise!

Please note: While Thank and Praise follows GDPR principles for data protection, it adheres to the Australian Privacy Act 1988 since it's an Australian website.